TiMe Fly'S ... LeSs Than TwO Month's Left:'( !!

to have the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone , depending on your self ,interacting with new culture, new language, local people, and people from all around Europe (The Erasmus People) beside a new educational system in a really powerful university for 4 months now is a really fantastic experience that enriched me both personally and academically.  specially that i feel like the person who left palestine is not the same person who is going back.
Especially when you know less than 2 months left you start thinking what u want to do, and how life could be different without malaga and your new Erasmus Friends, and how much i miss my family and my friends and i want to see them i start thinking that  i really want to go back home, but not now i want to spend more time in here get to know myself more and more , and when i am ready i will go back.
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time fly's is a sentence i use so much, and i say it when i remember the memories that i have been throw, and i will repeat it again , how can 4 months pass when i feel it's only 1 week, it's actually true if you are enjoying you time, time will fly , so we need to live everyday to  the maximum and face our problems without wasting our positive important energy. 
 thinking that we passed already 1/3 of the period makes me so sad, leaving with a lot of memories that will last forever, beside leaving my second home is really hard specially that i got habituated to it .

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it's really depressing thinking that we will go back to Palestine specially with these last situations moving the American embassy from tel-Aviv to Jerusalem which makes Jerusalem the capital of Israel.  leaded to a lot of marches and anger beside the strike that all of the people did due to this declaration.
i feel safe in here and comfortable but i can't be away from my family and my hometown and leave my country in this situation, as a Palestinian my duty is to fight the Israeli solders for the liberation of Palestine. but it´s hard they are really strong. 


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